A Gunman Strikes The Danforth Poem by Deanna Samuels

A Gunman Strikes The Danforth

What a poignant evening, a vigil, an hour or more of complete togetherness
Several thousand people from all walks of life, coming together at such short notice
Wanting to show their support to the victims of the July 22nd massacre on The Danforth
A shooter went berserk firing at random from Alexander Parkette to Bowden Street north
Gunning down innocent folk, out enjoying the warm evening and atmosphere of Greektown
Two beautiful young accomplished girls of 10 and 18 were slaughtered in his rampaging wake
A dozen or more dining on patios, standing in an ice cream parlor - shot - for what sake?
A neighborhood disrupted, an action of disbelief on an unprecedented scale
What makes a human lose their cool, to take the lives of others goes beyond the rule
Who knows what goes on behind their private scene, in their heart, in their soul
What disturbance has transpired to warp a mind to hate and such a path to take
Now, at this moment, at this hour of seven, neighbours and strangers come to enjoin as one
Forming a candle-lit procession, minds and thoughts in unison with heartfelt grief and sorrow
Slowly, very slowly, silently and, as if in defiance, wending their way along the gunman's path
Culminating, congregating, a huge throng of peoples embrace the flower-filled parkette
Prayers for the lost lives and those wounded, ‘Hallelujah' played and soulfully sang by all
Alexander the Great Parkette, a friendly Greektown meeting place, now, a square of remembrance

Written at Richmond Hill, Ontario following attending the above vigil - 25th July 2018.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: deaths,gun
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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