A Letter To Myself Poem by Tim Rawson

A Letter To Myself

Rating: 5.0

Dear Me,
For so long now you have struggled
To keep one step ahead
Days are going by faster now
You're getting more grey on your head
Stop and think about it all
Stand still and take a break
Take a peek through all lifes doors
Hurry....don't hesitate
The world is crumbling around you
One building at a time
The sky is falling in your path
The church bells no longer chime
A plague is in the air tonite
Guns ring in a distant land
The greedy could care less about you
And the sea is washing away the sand
The poor are dieing in the streets everyday
From no food, no help and no hope
Get at peice with yourself before it's too late
And God will help you cope

Kumarmani Mahakul 15 May 2020

Dear self will definitely recognize self and read your self penning poem letter to feel the path of struggle life. The world is crumbling around but time is building a memory. Sky is falling but sea is smiling giving joy. An amazing poem is very brilliantly penned.10

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Babatunde Aremu 20 November 2012

Motivation in face of odds. Great poem, I like it

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Nangula Immanuel 30 April 2009

Wow! this is a very touching, wwell written, very powerful poem! i really enjoyed it. I guess we all want to live life in such a way that when we are older, we don't have too many regrets. Very well written though!

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Tim Rawson

Tim Rawson

Weirton, West Virginia
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