A Lifetime Of Bliss Poem by Grace Gardiner

A Lifetime Of Bliss

Hello my love, I have not seen you here before
My heart is longing to know so much more
I want to look into your eyes, see the world as you do
I want to peek into your dreams, see if they are of me
Most of all, I want to hold your heart and feel what you have felt
Oh, I think I have seen you here before
Now it’s you that wants to know more

I’ll share with you the dreams I have dreamt
I’ll tell you the stories behind my tears
I will let you hold my hand, to make up for all the years
I’ll whisper all my secrets, be they good or be they bad
I know this is a feeling I have never had

I’ll take you to the lighthouse
And kiss you as we watch the sunset
I’ll light all the candles, if it’ll make me romantic
I’ll bring the glasses so we can sip the wine
Oh, could this night be more divine?
We’ll walk down to the beach when the sun goes to sleep
I’m still wondering why we got the chance to meet

I’ll tell you I miss you whenever you leave
I want you, don’t you see?
I’m always here when you feel there is an absence
I promise to make you laugh even when it’s been years since

Do you still long for me?
With all my might I cannot resist
To share with you a lifetime of bliss..

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