A Lost Snowflake Poem by Teagan Bateman

A Lost Snowflake

Little white flacks fall from the skies above, only to land on top of objects. Covering everything in sight. Everywhere I look I see a soft blanket of white. Crunch, crunch goes the sound of my feet as I walk through the white blanket. Leaving tracks of my presence. The bitter cold surrounds me as I move through the winter wonder land.

Chit, chit, chit, goes a squirrel. Tweet, tweet, tweet, goes the chickadees. I am surrounded by life. I let the bitter cold take hold of me as I sit on a rock. I stare at the little birds as they leap from one branch to another. The squirrels rush from branch to branch. Scurrying to their little holes to hide from the cold.
Whoosh, goes the breeze as it passes around me. A chill begins to take hold of me, but I don't move. I sit still in the bitter cold and close my eyes. All I hear is the chirp of the birds and the chattering from my own teeth. As I sit in the bitter cold my mind wanders. Almost like it's looking for something.

The clouds are like a wisp as they move through the sky. My eyes open and begin to search for something. I lay my head down on the fluff of white. Cold instantly takes hold and it doesn't leave me.

I close my eyes and let my thoughts wander. But nothing comes. My mind is just a black pit of darkness. But then a gold light appears. My body is warmed instantly and a feeling takes hold of me. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it also wasn't necessarily a happy feeling. But a feeling of hope; joy. It has been forever since I had felt that feeling.

I walk into the light and my skin turns from a pale, almost white color, to a warm tan one. I look into the light and find a pair of stairs leading up into the light. I walk to the stairs and begin to climb them. A smile takes over my face as I am led up into the warm light.

I turn my head back and I see myself laying on the pillow of white and covered with a blanket of snow. My skin is pale, almost a bright white color. My hair is stuck to my face. Crystals form on my eyelashes and cheeks. My chest isn't rising anymore with air. They are still and non-moving. Along with the rest of my body. Birds hop around me. Confused by my body being still and unmoving.

I turn my head back to the stairs and continue to walk on. Not turning back to look at my past life. I hear a bird chirp and other animals. A warm face appears in the warm glow of light. Then another face appears next to it. Tears fill my eyes. They stream down my cheeks as I run to the two figures of my lost parents. They wrap me in their arms. Holding me tight and not letting me go.

My tears continue to fall down my face as I am held in my parent's arms. This is where I was meant to be. I finally found my missing loved ones; and I'm never going to lose them again.

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