A Lover’s Monologue Poem by Sanjukta Nag

A Lover’s Monologue

So many thoughts of you
All over my mind
(Though you said I don’t have one)
Laughing crying dancing singing
That’s truly unkind.
I waited for them to disappear
(Actually I was waiting for you)
For 17 days 8 months and a year.
Still they are reigning in my brain
Unconditionally falling like rain
(Making my eyes so wet.)
I thought I can’t live without you
(But see I am breathing)
And I was so right
You’re my dumbness
You’re my insight.
I shouldn’t have taken this so far
(Don’t think I regret about us)
What now left with me
Is some burning scar.
I dream about us every night
Walking down the street
(Can you picture us?)
Suddenly you vanish in the air
Leaving it incomplete.
Everything is shattered
Since you’ve gone
(No, you’re not gone from my heart)
Now there’s no difference
Between dusk and dawn.
Do you think of me
(I know you think of me)
In happiness
Or in the blue?
Then just give me a clue.
‘Cause all the time I crave
To fill up this gap
(I guess you know that by now)
I’m promising you this time
I’ll surely not mess up.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,heartbreak,break up,love and life
Vishal Sharma 19 October 2015

i can relate each and every word you penned down try listening to the song space bound thanks

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 August 2015

Excellent monologue of a lover nicely depicted. Thrilling expresson. Many thanks dear Sanjukta, keep the ball rolling. ....10

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