A Midsummer Night's Dream Poem by Melanie Grant

A Midsummer Night's Dream

I sat in the solitude of the windowsill

Staring onto the horizon

the street lights like little stars fallen to the ground

to weak and unworthy of holding their place in the sky.

Countless droplets of midnight purple

seemed to be floating on air

in front my eyes

adhered to an invisible surface.

Remnants of rain.

The cool summer breeze

runs its gentle fingers through my hair

playing with loose wisps.

Voices in the background drowned by my limitless thoughts

their calls now far beneath the surface

Sudden intuition senses your presence

I anticipate your arrival

giving me time to tame my heartbeat.

You break the solitude and the silence.

The philosophy of our feelings for each other

was always tacit.

We had an unspoken understanding

only recognized by us.

At this present moment

this was the exception.

Your thoughts and emotions -

Completely impenetrable.

Memories of our past still hangs on by threads;

Optimism hinders me from cutting their chords

Along with the fact that

my only sharp weapon has been dulled by passion.

My heart’s desires manipulated

by your smile and the softness in your eyes.

I see the reflection of my feelings within your eyes

just an illusion?

I don’t think so.

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