A Moaning Minnie Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

A Moaning Minnie

The old fusspot was tall and lean
but strong and rich men ran off seeing him.
Unbearable were his hurting remarks,
his wife would be a guest often to her sisters.
Every word he uttered made the hearer to shudder.
He would make a hill out of a molehill.
Women gave him more respect, or else
he would be spreading rumours against them.
His verbal assaults scared his fellow teachers.
As he would skip classes and idle in the staff-room,
all others ran off to take classes.
If anybody skived off a class, he would yell:
' You'll be receiving this day's salary as graft'.
His son was afraid of him but his daughter feared him.
When he was bed-ridden once, nobody turned up to see him;
He warned everybody by phone, saying:
' You'll also fall ill.No dog will call on you'
When an officer issued him orders of transfer,
he sat before the office with a cane full of petrol,
shouting, he would immolate against bribery in the office.
The officer cancelled the orders and sent him back.
My God! How many old gits like this one
rail at people with sparks of fire!

Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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