A Moral Civilized World Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

A Moral Civilized World

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When a despicable tyrant
regime proudly slaughters
defenseless innocent women
children in the city streets
brutally rounds them up
in fear strike night ships

them off in bolted cattle wagons
to slave labour genocide camps
brands their living human flesh
systematically murders innocent millions
in calculated inhuman slave starved
research exterminations experiments.

It is time for a moral;
educated civilized world;
to take opposing action;
but the victorious allies;
will hide shocking facts;
from the wartime public;

deny previous knowledge;
you must understand;
those drafted Judas trains;
desperately needed resources;
could be carrying munitions;
weapons of axis total war;

taking troops to the front;
costing allied combatant lives;
fanatical disciplined desperate;
Nazis will cunningly break out;
at the decisive Battle of Bulge;
could even now win world war.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
See also The Holocaust Files!
To commence the 'Final solution', it was decided at The Wannsee Conference, on January 20 1942, to transport all Jews in German occupied countries, to concentration camps in Poland and Germany. When prisoners could no longer work, they were executed in extermination camps in Poland, like Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka and most feared of all Auschwitz II – Birkenau.

Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 18 March 2010

When a despicable tyrant /regime proudly slaughters /defenseless innocent women…’ Indeed Sir…you’ve felt the anguish of [wo]men … recently I’ve become target by vile comment and lurid personal attack… by one lunatic male…? Poet with zero aesthetic value…your psychic nib has exposed the anguish and pangs of victim of violence and verbal vulgar abuse [as I’m woman I can feel what all women feel] … let all poets like you roar and rebuke against all such …as disposable stuff… 10++ Ms. Nivedita UK

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