A Naive Apprentice - Chaotically Running......The World's.....Ultimate....Reality Show Poem by James B. Earley

A Naive Apprentice - Chaotically Running......The World's.....Ultimate....Reality Show

I have two intrinsic joys in life. Both I've fashioned into elaborate hobbies, one of which has been an essential passion since early childhood. And the second, equally as passionate, having pursued most of my adult life. Writing provides me that something innate, the likes of which I find difficult in putting into words. It is that inexplicable spiritual influence that incites me to take pen in hand and just simply create. However, the most prized of the two hobbies, is people watching; and in the process acutely studying and evaluating humanity. As far back as I can remember, people watching has been a beloved pastime, viewing behavior, moods, paying close attention to mannerisms, peculiarities, idiosyncrasies, etc. Overtime, I've found that I need only mere minutes observing, a stranger to form what I'm convinced represents a fair assessment of that person as a descent human being or not. I've found myself disappointed on occasion, but by and large my initial assessments tend spot on.

Our President has 'long been' an interesting source of entertainment, though never once have I sensed a man of character. Yet, still valuing the con-man within; whose inherent quantitative ability, effectively launched, and skillfully maintains an extraordinarily lucrative business arrangement.

But accepting such associated skulduggery at the hands of a corrupt, eccentric, and somewhat obscene caricature, from a distance, is a far cry from finding that same conduct, tolerable behavior when engaged in by the official occupant of the 'Nation's Highest Office.'

Currently, in the White House, I see a vindictive, shady, erratic, somewhat unstable, and totally unpredictable individual - with frightening possession of the Nation's 'nuclear button.'

.....And thus, we have, in effect, a naive apprentice, chaotically running......the world's.....ultimate....reality show!

God....help us all!

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