A Parent's Prayer And Blessing Poem by Martin Ward

A Parent's Prayer And Blessing

A Parent's Prayer and Blessing
(Inspired by William de la Pole's last letter to his son John,
prior to his wrongful execution in 1450AD)

My child, I ask Almighty God
to bless you and to keep you
ever in His Love.

I pray that you will always follow
God's Holy Laws and Commandments
and which, by His Great Mercy
you will pass the trials
and troubles of this world.
Put God above the love
and fear of earthly things.
But if ever you should fail or fall,
ask for God's Compassion
and He will call you home.

If anyone should steer you away from God,
avoid their company, because they are wrong.
Do not take advice from proud people,
avariciouspeople, and especially
those who seek to flatter you.
Keep friends who are good and true,
as they will never deceive you
or cause you to regret or repent.

Never follow your own advice alone,
but in all things you do, seek the opinion
of the good friends that I mention,
and by doing so, with the Love of God,
you will do well; living with peace
and contentment in body and soul.

And I will be to you as good parent
as my heart can feel and my mind can think.
Always remember the message of our Saviour:
To Call Upon Him and to Remember
That Love Is Everything.

Most of all, I give you the Blessing of God,
and of me, which I pray most humbly,
that in the Almighty's Infinite Grace
will help you grow spiritually and wisely.
And may you also bless your children,
so that we, when departed from this world,
may glorify God amongst the Angels of Heaven.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: prayers
Published in The Vatican News 7/4/2020
Lure Pot 17 April 2020

love it 'Never follow your own advice alone' Lovely piece. Stay Safe!

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Martin Ward

Martin Ward

Derby, Derbyshire
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