A Plea From A Lover Poem by Adams King

A Plea From A Lover

Rating: 5.0

They say the sickness of yesterday
Is but the death of today
A sweet lover long lost and gone
Is a mistake time can't outrun

My midnight foolishness has
caused me my morning misfortune
Forever this pains shall last
As long as I live without you

This night has been moonless
His days has always been sunless
From the day you left my throne
I lost my very own soul

I have cried to a flooded face
My heart has been bleeding long
I have stared with endless grimace
Hoping to right my wrongs

Many a hurting bitterness must I
have inflicted on you
Many an ugly moments must I
Have made you pass through

Has love been without a pinch of pain
Let any poet challenge this truth
But I write to undo my the stains
And the hurts I have caused you

Forgiveness is all I seek from you
With hurting heart and knees knelt
Pardon all I have done to you
And feel the love you once felt

Let love once again be rekindled
On the path we took
To waken the love for me in you
And start a race anew

Monday, June 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: forgiveness,heartbreak,love,regret
Gajanan Mishra 25 June 2018

sweet lover long lost, good write

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