A Poem For My Sister And A Poem For All Women- For Biomedical Conference Poem by Sweet Carolina

A Poem For My Sister And A Poem For All Women- For Biomedical Conference

A Poem for my Sister

As children we would dance together,
Playing outside with the Carolina sun glowing upon us
But we didn't mind the weather As long as we had each other
Our laughter would feel the air thick and heavy like the nauseating smell
That stung the inside of our nostrils from Curtis Processing
Each and everyday was a lesson we learned with no remorse
And like all siblings we had secrets of course
You would share your dolls with me with no fear of punishment
Because you knew even before I did that our heart and minds were the same
That only our bodies were different

A Poem for All Women

Society teaches girls, to be silent, to not compete, to be compliant to be pleasant and sweet.
That the bodies of women are only intended for the pleasure of men or as vessels for children.
When women resist these expectations it is regarded as revolutionary
A problem that needs to be solved by any means necessary
No one should expect women to make amends for their excellence.
Each day of our lives is Like a highlight reel filled with dramatic instances
And the world is like audience watching every move and every moment
Personally, witnessing your every trial triumph and success
Substantiated and validated unquestionable braveness
As a goddess endowed with the power of infinite patience
You have been tolerantly waiting for Mankind to allow you space for your greatness
The world doesn't deserve you and Yet you are earth
Stand up and be proud Because you are Woman
Not the second sex nor the second best
You are just as capable undeniably irreplaceable inerasable
Like an eclipse of sun, falling stars and rainbows across the sky
Ethereal magnificence you are the sublime kind
Mother Sister Daughter you are holy wholesome wholeness like the trinity
All identities of you are marvelous
Whatever you dream you can manifest from thin air
It is no Magic trick, but Black Girl Magic does exist.

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