A Poor Man's Wisdom Poem by The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois

A Poor Man's Wisdom

Never give up on learning,
As we travel through, this part of our journey,
One of our many passages, through time.
Some things we consider, useless knowledge,
May free us from, an unknown future bind.
Important information, is handed to us,
At very specific moments, in time, in unexpected ways,
Not always at a school, or home setting,
May be from a stranger, fishing next to you,
Along the shore, as the sun rises, across the bay.
We are not to judge each other,
For we are on a journey, to our own, final judgement day.
One of the first topics, when we meet someone,
Is normally about work, position, or pay,
A job, helps us support our bills, no amount of money,
Can make us wiser, inside, in any way.
So much violence, on our home turf, planet earth,
Leaders are not chosen, by knowledge, in any way,
It's how much they raise, pay to play,
Our friend Jesus Christ, was very poor,
Although his teachings, live on today!
Tom Maxwell © 1/13/2021 AD 12: 45pm

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois
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