A Positive Life Poem by Denis Martindale

A Positive Life

First, save up all the cash you can,
Then send the rest to me...
And always have a backup plan
Or maybe two or three...
Don't trust the Government at all,
The leaders just don't care,
They'll simply drive you up the wall,
Despite your every prayer!

Don't put your trust in bonds and such
And stocks and shares avoid,
They've helped a few, the rest not much,
No wonder I'm annoyed!
Don't bet on horses, no, no, no,
Ignore the greyhounds, too,
'Cos some of these are way too slow,
That's why I'm warning YOU!

My Pension Plan is my concern,
No bedroom tax for me!
If there's one thing in life to learn,
It's own your house rent-free!
With loft conversion, extra room,
Sort stuff and store upstairs,
Less clutter seen, one would presume,
To simplify affairs...

And as for paintings, stamps and jewels,
It's pot luck what occurs,
With many wise men proved as fools,
For pure greed often blurs...
Can you afford that holiday
In New York, Paris, Rome?
You'll never see me fly away,
I'd save cash staying home!

And don't forget to haggle, friends!
Don't be ashamed to beg!
For on this truth, your life depends,
If you, expenses peg...
Folks rip you off from left to right,
Compare the shops and see...
If you save cash, you'll sleep at night
And thank God, just like ME!

Denis Martindale, copyright, October 2013.

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