A Simple Life Poem by Randy McClave

A Simple Life

It's alright to rewear the very same clothes
God knows,
It shouldn't bother you in one little bit
Remember, his son wore the very same outfit,
And here is another bombshell
You don't always need to upgrade your cell,
In the past how many times did you upgrade your home phone
Or like me, did you just leave it alone,
Buying second hand items is smart and really cool
For doing that you are certainly no fool,
Sometimes you will find that glorious shopper's shrine
It's like walking into Solomon's goldmine,
It's okay to live in a home simply and plainly
In a house you must not live in it insanely,
All we need is four walls and to keep it clean and neat
It's mainly where we just sleep and eat,
Remember, it is truly and unconditionally okay
How you live your life tomorrow, or even today,
Even without children or a husband or a wife
Remember, it's okay to live a simple life.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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