(a Story) Me And My Uncle Poem by Sari Mavi

(a Story) Me And My Uncle

Rating: 5.0

My uncle was a rich man who was quite old
The other thing he likes is scolding me
He said, I am a lazy person,
have no passion for work

He never helped find a way out
Uncle's treasures are numerous,
for himself and his family
(Also for certain people who are
become their business partner)

Sometimes my uncle offers me a job
He said I would get food plus money
It was fun when I got a job!

I gathered with people I never knew
We are in a place that has been planned
How happy!

A group of people who have been told before
To maintain a public interest
I do not care who interests
I do not care what happens then

We love to be a free public spectacle
Waving, photographed and
even taken pictures by the audience
Like a little picnic with joy on the streets
(Wish the news media exposed me among the crowd)

Among all that matters to me,
my uncle no longer called me
"Lazy young man" and always scolds me

Saturday, July 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: character,youth
Rajnish Manga 28 July 2018

Unfolding of a relationship and how it led to a change of perception over a period of time. Thanks for sharing.

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