A Thought For A Lonely Death-Bed Poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

A Thought For A Lonely Death-Bed

Rating: 2.9

If God compel thee to this destiny,
To die alone, with none beside thy bed
To ruffle round with sobs thy last word said
And mark with tears the pulses ebb from thee,-
Pray then alone, ' O Christ, come tenderly!
By thy forsaken Sonship in the red
Drear wine-press,- by the wilderness out-spread,-
And the lone garden where thine agony
Fell bloody from thy brow,- by all of those
Permitted desolations, comfort mine!
No earthly friend being near me, interpose
No deathly angel 'twixt my face aud thine,
But stoop Thyself to gather my life's rose,
And smile away my mortal to Divine! '

A Thought For A Lonely Death-Bed
Ron Sekellick 06 June 2007

Need interpretation-'By thy forsaken Sonship in the red Drear wine-press...'

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Bhagabat Prasad Hotta 13 May 2019

All people will die alone..very beautiful poem.Thanks for sharing the poetic thought.100+++++++

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oof oof 12 December 2018

fucc this fucc this fucc this fucc this fucc this fucc this

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Don Bukana 15 October 2017

No earthly friend being near me, interpose No deathly angel 'twixt my face aud thine, But stoop Thyself to gather my life's rose, And smile away my mortal to Divine. No one is lonely on death bed.. believe me when you get there, God is gonna be thy comfort.. And thee will rejoice and wine up thy tears with smile.

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Nimmy K A 04 June 2014

To die In Christ is to attain fruit of Life tree... Death is beautiful and no one is lonely on death bed...For Almighty so Powerful is with one at the time of death..

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James Rovira 08 July 2007

Christ said on the cross, 'My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? ' The line: By thy forsaken Sonship in the red Drear wine-press is a reference to his crucifixion. Since the wine is the symbol of Christ's blood in communion, the cross is the 'Red drear wine-press.'

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