A Well Kept Glove Poem by Randy McClave

A Well Kept Glove

She didn't like him at all
And it was just because of his looks,
Judging anyone that way
Is the same as judging literature by the cover of books.
She said that he was very ugly
Every time that she ever saw him,
She mocked him and the clothes that he wore
And she said that he also needed to go to the gym.
She of course was so very pretty
And she always drank from a crystal cup,
She had the best that there ever was
And of course she was judgmental and stuck up.
She thought that she was better than everyone
Because she had such a pretty body and face,
But, a beautiful painting is only in the eye of the beholder
Her soul and her belief was such a disgrace.
She always laughed at other people
While believing they're not as pretty as she is,
Of course beauty and control was to her everything
She knew what she had was always better than his.
He was kind and he was helpful to a fault
His soul and spirit undoubtedly outshined others,
And he didn't care about looks or wealth
He happily greeted everyone as sisters and brothers.
Her and him smiled as they both walked different roads
While both still seeking out their true love,
Remember, a hand can be ugly and can commit evil
But, it can still wear the most expensive and attractive glove.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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