I shall, one day, stand before you
And show you my love.
When the Winter comes to an end,
When the Sun burns lucent,
In the Heavens above.
I shall walk with you,
To the loveliest Seashore.
When the rain stops pouring,
The Ocean stops roaring,
We shall wait theretofore.
We shall go out and wander,
On a moonlit night-
On the dewed chamomile we lie,
In an open field-
Beneath the Starry sky,
As the Stars shine bright.
The tiny wild grass we
Leave them unmown,
Here ends our nightly stroll,
On the cusp of celestial pole,
As the crows mistake moonbeam
For the light of Dawn.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
To show you my love. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.