The meadow draws in deep
Taking me back with its inhale
I walk as if in sleep
And find me at the water’s edge
Still taken by her beauty
Doves circle high above
Forming messages in the sky
Like the day of your send off
They tell me that to die
Is just the beginning
I cast a wish into the night
And pray my hopes are heard
As the stars fade out of sight
They fall into the dawn
To bring the moving on of time
Another party ended
And one more day of life consumed
This tired restless soul in me
Still searching for the endless sun
When I’ll return to my father’s arms
I recall his depth of knowing
The secrets to life’s meaning
They went with him when he left
Yet I go on believing
Now we stand together in memory
I love you more than I can put in poems
And often dream we’ll meet again
For this is when I’ll know for sure
That somewhere pure
There is a world less ordinary
Yes, I enjoyed this one, Alison, it's worth reading. Just one point, line 2 its does not need an apostrophe.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
The true poet does indeed live in a world less ordinary than other human beings. Each stanza paints a rich poem picture. You are a fine imagist. As always, Sandra