No I don’t want to turn back the hands of the clock
I don’t wish to be younger than this
I just want to be me, as I am here and now
To enjoy the enjoyable kiss
For the lovers I’ve wanted so far in the past
are completely removed from this place
If I’d met you back then you would not see me here
and you would not be touching my face
At this moment in time I’m in love with your tongue
In this state you are all I desire
For this time is this time, it will never repeat
and like everything soon will expire
So perhaps all there is, is a moment in time
that is perfect and beautifully free
Where the measure of love has no reason or rhyme
but is there to exist and to be…
This is quite lovely Ally - a spiritually reflective piece, understated and in perfect meter (anapaestic tetrameter again) . The 'now' moment is all there is and all there every will be, so what a splendid idea to stay in it and forget about befores and afters. Glorious poem. Worth a place on my yoga studio wall. love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It is an exacting measure too, one which says love IS, and you capture it well. Rgds, Ivan
It is always so difficult to This captures the notion very well. Don
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Allison I realy enjoyed every line of your poem.keep it up