Abstain From It Poem by Edward Kofi Louis

Abstain From It

What is this all about?
Is it safe sex or, commercial sex?
And, how are they educating us with these contraceptives ads?
I am a woman and i know what it takes but,
What about you?

What is this all about?
You are a man and you know what it takes;
But go to the streets and you will see things for your own eyes,
Because the commercial sex is booming!
And the big companies are making their respective profits along the line.

Do they think that they are educating us with all these ads?
Then, they should think twice;
For there are more businesses done in the name of safe sex,
And it had rather increased the sex life style of all mankind.

Oh mankind, let us try to know the naked truth behind these ads;
For it is better to abstain from sex than burn in it!
And a close distance to hell is what Aids does to us.

Sex is to all and sex goes on around with us unprotected,
But Aids is the disease the ends the time with us;
For the lust of our eyes have taken us far away from the truth!
And now the moon is blacked-out in complete darkness.

Out imaginations are limitless but Aids had closed up on mankind!
With intermittent flashes to catch up to the truth;
And the youth today do have their own type of answers than thought,
But to abstain from sex is better than to easily die in the name of lust! !

The ads speak like an angel but acts like a devil around us!
But sometimes things do not go the way we expected them to;
And as we use rulers to map out straight lines,
So are the rules of life straight from the Creator to us! !
And we need to return to ourselves to make some changes.

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