Affirmation Love Poem by duke perry abrokwa

Affirmation Love

In the tapestry of affection, woven with threads of care,
My love language speaks volumes, in whispers and blares,
It's the language that transcends, the barriers of touch,
A dialect of the soul, a connection that means so much.

Affirmation, the echo of my heart's deepest desire,
A symphony of words, setting each emotion on fire,
It's the fuel to my engine, the wind beneath my wings,
The rhythm of my heartbeat, the chorus that my soul sings.

For when you speak the words, that validate my core,
You nourish the garden of our love, making it flourish even more,
And as you sow the seeds, of encouragement and praise,
You ignite a fire within me, that forever brightly blazes.

In a world that judges, and often seeks to confine,
Your affirmations build a fortress, a sanctuary so divine,
And within these walls, I find solace and strength,
To face the battles and the storms, that life sends my way.

I need not the touch, the gifts, or the acts of grace,
For the sweet sound of affirmation, can never be replaced,
The power of your words, the magic in your voice,
The melody of your presence, makes my spirit rejoice.

So speak to me, in the language, that my soul understands,
Whisper the words that uplift me, and help me take a stand,
For in this dance of life, with your affirmations, we'll sway,
Together, in harmony, through the night and the day.

And as the stars align, and the universe conspires,
Our love shall grow stronger, fueled by affirmation's fires,
So let the spoken word be our anthem, our song of devotion,
In this language of love, we'll find our deepest emotion.

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