Al-Majiri Poem by Raimi Babatunde


Yes i am Al-Majiri
An appendage for an achiever
My vision is defined
Clear as crystal balls
I am a miracle waiting to happen

Yes i am Al-Majiri
A scholar in islamic doctrines
Which trains me to love and accomodate
Not hatred and doctrines of divisiveness

Even if i am Al-Majiri
I might not look it now
But i am going somewhere
To make a mark
Before i return to my Creator

I refuse to be manipulated
I refuse to be a begger
I refuse to be a Politician's tool
I stand tall in knowledge
Because my vision is defined

At home i search for knowledge
I travel to seek for knowledge
Knowledge liberates and beautifies
Knowledge beautifies the soul
Knowledge makes me a brand
Knowledge is power

Covetousness may pose as obstacles
Corruption might limit my options
Policy mis-match may truncate my plans
But they will not stop me
From attaining glorious heights

The source of water in Coconut is unknown
The pillars that holds the earth is a mystery
The windows that allows the rain is a puzzlement
The breadth that sustains our lives is indescribable
The One that created me embedded me with greatness
Such not common to man

Even though i am Al-Majiri
I am not a begger
I am not a weapon for politicians
I am a citizen of the world
And i will make my mark
Insha Allah!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: peace
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