Racism poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best racism poems ever written. Read all poems about racism.
We know who the killers are,
We have watched them strut before us
As proud as sick Mussolinis',
We have watched them strut before us
Of human ignorance I am almost in despair
For racism is around me everywhere
But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss
Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
(Dedicated to you, my Brothers and Sisters)
Powerful words,
Truthful words,
I can't barter my freedom
Take away the riches with you
Don't display your dollars and pounds
To my countrymen who need freedom too
(for whom forced me to leave that orphan) ...
(I hear an orphan's tear while covered with his fear)
ohh, , on that list
We all must bring our
Racism to end.
A message to all, I long to send.
The colors of the world,
Portate bien,
behave yourself you always said to me.
I behaved myself
when others were warm in winter
Why do you tend to judge me
cause I'm of different race.
Why do you tend to hate me
cause I'm from a different place.
Enough pain
To last life
Endured such
Stalking the corridors of life,
Black, frustrated minds
Scream for release
The moment of Obama’s inauguration
Was a fluke of fate written for the nation
It was a moment to be cherished
The racist cloaks his loathing thoughts
behind deceiving eyes
Those men who once wore hoods and robes
Today wear shirts and ties
In a world that is
Free from terrible terrorism and death
Full of happy harmony and warmth
Children are born blind to hate and bigotry
With their big smiles and loving ways
They are taught ugliness
By unthinking adults and overheard conversation
In my perfect world
The sky is a perfect blue
The grass is a soft green
And together are me and you
There are two types of people:
Those who play golf,
And those who recognize it
for the idiotic malpractice that it is,
In this tradition of hypocrisy,
Rich sea of shams,
Virtue hides behind sanctimony,
Watch dogs are drooling at the prize,
Oh! You are a little black boy,
and playing with your small toy.
Oh! You are black from outside,
but your heart and soul are white.
The eyes of hate stare down upon you
Prices of pain release the marks upon you
The paper of hope is torn in half
Racism, racism, all it does is laugh
Why does mankind hate people based on religion and race?
Is it ignorance, education, or governments deciding our place.
For people are people regardless of the color of their face.
Racism, a plague that poisons our world
A venomous viper, with a deadly sting
It's hatred and bigotry, tightly furled
A dark cloud that casts a shadow on everything
Racism stood on a bluff high above the world.
Racism cloaked and evil as a wolf in the darkness had no respect for the world it looked down on.
Racism saw man already drew other man's blood.
It knew humans fought over kin, lack of kinship, land, riches, status monarchies and title.
By Stanley Collymore
Harry lives rather well actually
with his evidently beautiful,
Racism! Oh Racism!
The term that advocates veto power
Promoting a coercive rule
In a land where black and white exists perfectly.
By Stanley Collymore
Hi! All you Gammons and racist
karens out there; it absolutely
My Malcolm says
I will fight
I will fight when you treat my skin like a garden to practice your racism
I will fight your racism with my black beauty
I would rather have a neighbor flying a rainbow flag
Even though many will scream it supports a gays as a brag,
They are proudly supporting someone's right or pride
With a solidarity they are sympathetically and morally at their side.
Repent! ! ! ! Respect the truth!
All about life on earth without racism;
Harmony of true love! ! ! Garment of peace! ! ! !
Understanding true love;
Ability of life with righteous laws! !
Noted with servitude and attitude;
I see the sad color of racism not every other day
But every second of the hour, all minutes of the day
I see the serious mental and physical damages
That this cancer has done throughout the ages
Poetry is not only for describing the beauty of the moon and the taste of love, it’s also there to highlight the issues of the community we live in and raise awareness about their effects. Racism and discrimination are an example of these problems that can cause a lot of damage to both individuals and communities. Many popular poets have written poems about the pervasive negative effects of racism in our communities such as; "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou, "Rosa" by Rita Dove, and "Immigrant Blues" by Li-Young Lee.