All Set For Lawyers And Courts Poem by Chan Mongol

All Set For Lawyers And Courts

I just called you to say you today, hehehehe;
Susan, Rose, Lina, your betrayals were Okay!

True love stored in those epics and stories,
True love exists in animals, birds and bees!

Sleeping with me but making fantasy with another
Corrupted minds do not care for each other!

Trust doesn't work for us and it ran away far
IT and machines took the best to make us inferior!

Where is the family value? is that in the heaven?
No more unity between husband, wife, children!

Hi, bye and coarse languages in a family often
A phone call buys today, a milkman and handyman!

In a nuclear family with such lesser confidence
Who can teach who on values or, sin and offence?

Provocation for wrong liberation and no submission
Not interest in proper lesson, teaching is a violation!

Unwritten family laws were taken away to constitution
Business set for lawyers, courts and legal decoration!

Who will die and who will be free, only court can tell!
Rights are taken away to send you to heaven or hell!

No more learning right or wrong from the family, kin
All set by court system to do virtue or crime and sin!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: courtship,ethics ,family,family life,sociology,value
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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