Almost A Traumatic Train Trip To Town Poem by Deanna Samuels

Almost A Traumatic Train Trip To Town

What a change from two weeks before
when identical train trip was tranquil without drama
and warm weather and sun lit the sky
giving an easy start and a perfect finish.

Today, well, such a difference!
Opted once more to take train to Union Station
as only one destination again on this instance
and the previous journey had set precedent.

To start with, it was gently raining, windy as well,
most likely the aftermath of yesterday's bad storm,
of many fallen trees and branches, overturned signs
damaged cars, and strewn debris and garbage.

Parked the car at station amidst a wet windy gust.
Oh no! first mishap happened while walking to train.
A rail card was missing and not to be found.
Had to hurry as train would soon be Toronto bound.

Back-tracked, entered the station to purchase return fare.
Mishap two, long slow line up for tickets at single machine
and station crowded with dozens of Blue Jay fans,
all attempting to buy tickets to get to the game.

The one station attendant was doing a great job,
helping each traveler to operate that lone machine,
running to and fro from the station ticket office booth.
My turn came at last with the purchase of one ticket required.

Under cloudy raining skies, walked onto train, found two seats.
Settled in amongst a carriage full of excited Blue Jay fans
babbling on about favorite players and past fever pitched games,
me looking forward to seeing the shore scene of Lake Ontario.

Train departed to designated stations, more Blue Jay fans boarded.
The scene once more opened to Lake Ontario shore, but today,
water was grey, choppy, and without sparkle, the horizon misty.
The inlets and path looked unwelcoming, almost deserted.

Backyards and houses passed by, looked bedraggled and miserable,
foliage everywhere dank and damp, puddles increasing in size.
Not an encouraging day to go to town, though, to town we did,
The Royal Alexandra Theatre, to see - Boy Falls From The Sky.

Written on Oshawa train to Union Station - 22nd May 2022

Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: train,trauma
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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