Almost Extreme, But Only One Extreme In Fact Poem by Darlan M Cunha

Almost Extreme, But Only One Extreme In Fact

Rating: 4.5

Futile but laborious problem is the failed sound of any engine
problem is documents lost, stolen and falsified by others
problem is the house caught on fire by a forgetfulness in the stove,
and without insurance.

Problem is your wife to find you with your arms in paradise
problem is a tooth at 2: 15 a.m.
problem is persecutory delirium, the solidity of loneliness, the death in life
of those who suffer Alzheimer's (alive but dead) , poverty, amputation
depression, and the loss of life.

Problem is living a lot like turnip and dying indigent or almost that
the problem is to sit in a corner of the loony bin, and stay there,
in the middle of catatonia.

problem is the stolen smartphone, your data extracted with sarcasm laughter
the problem is the feud between the dermis, religions, political parties,
the rules of the dominating countries, the borders trampled and crossed
sadness and amazement is to see the girl who committed suicide

but another very heavy problem is the decision or indecision about euthanasia.
Don't call any church to make reasoned decisions
sadness is going to the cemetery in a wheelbarrow or a cart pulled by a donkey
a serious problem is not knowing that tomorrow will be today, yesterday,
the day before yesterday and fog.

Problem and crime is when they come into your yard and gag your garden,
and toast your wallet and your wife and threaten to come back,
so you should move from city, state and if possible country.

Another real problem is that you don't have any problems.
How to live without thorns?

BUT one big problem, the most severe, is the mother falling down the stairs.

Almost Extreme, But Only One Extreme In Fact
Friday, February 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,mother,problem,question
Darlan M Cunha

Darlan M Cunha

Medina, MG, Brazil
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