Always Smaller The Crowd It Gets Poem by Randy McClave

Always Smaller The Crowd It Gets

Jesus fed 5000
But, only 500 followed him after being fed,
Those marveled at that miracle
And they followed Jesus where he led.

Jesus had 12 disciples
But, only 3 followed him further into the garden,
They knew that he was the son of God
And those 3 hearts would not ever harden.

One stood at the cross
When Jesus was mocked while being crucified,
One knew that Jesus was the son of God
And only one stood there while Jesus suffered and died.

The nearer that you get to the cross
The more you feel the shame, the guilt, and the regrets,
Many bow their heads and then turn around and walk away
The closer some get to the cross, the smaller the crowd it gets.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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