Am I Karo? Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Am I Karo?

Am I Karo?

Read a book, story
- "Bug in pants", serious yet funny
-in Russia or Russian…

Looking back, I feel like
-dog seeing reflection in water
-or panther on crest of mountain

Greedy, ambitions! ! !

Moves to sides the curtain
-visible the stage and actors

I am child, in school
-and Karo is poet

Very known his "Maslool"
- (The patient with TB,)

I read it to compete
- (in poem-reciting)

Was quite difficult
-in reading I was wrong
-but trained, corrected
-won prize; that was book:
- "A homeless Nightingale"

Spread my hands as wings, feather
-the movements brought change
-and opened new gates…
-went too far and further
-I became different
-from home and parents,
-their lifeline and culture
-to neighbours, siblings
-I, "Ugly Duckling"

I was born a Muslim
-in the jar of Koran's-Faith
-but friends were the Jews,
-Christians and the ones
-who I think own Iran
-via faith and accents
- (Assyrians, Zoroastrians,)
- (Ishmaelites, and later, Bahai's!)

Travelled in and out
-unlike the filthy rich and corrupt
- (Whose heads are in hay bags
-like donkey, horses and ass…)

Met sister of Karo in bookshop
- (Years later…)
-of her and brothers we spoke
-another brother named Vigen
-was famous in Iran; Jazz Singer

And she was on fire
-brothers estranged
-one sought fame and money
-another, full of love and caring
-Karo is reflected in poems
- (most of all in the ones before death.)

Poor sister did her best to abridge
-and wanted to publish reprints
-of their life-story, origin, relations
-and their past, and blood, and success

Could she and did she win?

She is dot in the tons of pages I researched,
-that lead me to the facts, origins
-of our life, duty
-to be part of this world, and Iran
-by becoming aware; open-mind,
- (unlike the yellow-head in White-House
-who sits on a mountain of the wealth
-all gathered by cheating, and labour
-of the poor and abused, insulted, screwed!)

I suffer when see helm
-in the hands of the shit and bastard!

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