Amazing Grace Beyond Amazing Grace! Poem by Denis Martindale

Amazing Grace Beyond Amazing Grace!

The risen Saviour walked on Earth despite the cruel cross,
Because through death, Christ proved His worth in everything He was.
Now was the time to meet His friends, yet Thomas wasn't there,
Because he thought that when life ends, What use is there in prayer?
Disciples told him of the Lord, yet how could he believe?
Consider Christ's blood poured and poured, so how could Jesus breathe?
To let the Rabbi live again, to walk this Earth anew?
That seemed too much for his sad brain. Poor Thomas had no clue.
The Saviour whipped and yet alive? Christ crucified as well?
How could the Saviour then survive, once going through that Hell?

So Thomas wanted perfect proof, Christ's body to be sure,
So that he knew the Gospel Truth and then to doubt no more.
Through God's amazing grace bestowed, the risen Lord appeared!
The joy of Thomas overflowed, with all his doubts now cleared!
We trust the Bible and somehow accept the Father's will,
That means we're more blessed even now! Not seeing, faithful still!
Believing in the One God sent our lost souls to reclaim!
Behold the Man! The Sinners' Friend! Trust in the Saviour's Name!
Lord Jesus is the King of Kings, the King of Calvary!
Remember this! Above all things, Christ lives for you and me!

Denis Martindale, for the 3rd of April 2024.

Shared on Revelation TV's
Voice In The Wilderness,
on the 4th of April 2024.

Amazing Grace Beyond Amazing Grace!
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