April poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best april poems ever written. Read all poems about april.
Praise the spells and bless the charms,
I found April in my arms.
April golden, April cloudy,
Gracious, cruel, tender, rowdy;
Five pounds fifty in change, exactly,
a library card on its date of expiry.
A postcard stamped,
It was an April morning: fresh and clear
The Rivulet, delighting in its strength,
Ran with a young man's speed; and yet the voice
Of waters which the winter had supplied
In April, in April,
My one love came along,
And I ran the slope of my high hill
To follow a thread of song.
Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in 'Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Until tonight they were separate specialties,
different stories, the best of their own worst.
Riding my warm cabin home, I remember Betsy's
laughter; she laughed as you did, Rose, at the first
In a week or ten days
the snow and ice
will melt from Cemetery Road.
Fireflies die
Stars wink out of existence
Butterflies fall from the sky
Rivers take the path of least resistance
Let us be thankful, Lord, for little things -
The song of birds, the rapture of the rose;
Cloud-dappled skies, the laugh of limpid springs,
Drowned sunbeams and the perfume April blows;
O beautiful wine-bearer, bring forth the cup and put it to my lips
Path of love seemed easy at first, what came was many hardships.
With its perfume, the morning breeze unlocks those beautiful locks
The curl of those dark ringlets, many hearts to shreds strips.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.
Calmly we walk through this April's day,
Metropolitan poetry here and there,
In the park sit pauper and rentier,
The screaming children, the motor-car
A middle-northern March, now as always--
gusts from the South broken against cold winds--
but from under, as if a slow hand lifted a tide,
it moves--not into April--into a second March,
Here is a wound that never will heal, I know,
Being wrought not of a dearness and a death,
But of a love turned ashes and the breath
Gone out of beauty; never again will grow
The roofs are shining from the rain.
The sparrows tritter as they fly,
And with a windy April grace
The little clouds go by.
When Watkin shifts the burden of his cares
And all that irked him in his bound employ,
Once more become a vagrom-hearted boy,
He moves to roundelays and jocund airs;
To what purpose, April, do you return again?
Beauty is not enough.
You can no longer quiet me with the redness
Of little leaves opening stickily.
April, and the last of the plum blossoms
scatters on the black grass
before dawn. The sycamore, the lime,
the struck pine inhale
No, no! Go from me. I have left her lately.
I will not spoil my sheath with lesser brightness,
For my surrounding air hath a new lightness;
Slight are her arms, yet they have bound me straitly
April, a tapestry of rain and bloom,
Where nature shakes off winter's gloom.
With every drop, the earth is fed,
As life awakens from its wintry bed.
Thursday morning, April 18,2024 at 9: 35 a.m. and 10: 12 a.m.
Last night, at about 8: 15 p.m., April, a neighbor,
caught on camera—from 5903 Westcreek Place—
April Freshman, new and green,
A month of pranks, a playful scene,
First day of April, full of laughter,
A day where everything is a blur.
Introductory Poem:
'Time moves on' some SAY, and I too shall move on some DAY! Don't cry, not yet,
because no 'moving day' is yet set. I've had a good life and now feel not much regret.
It's April the 1st today
A day of jokes, laughter and pranks on each other.
It's April the 1st today
Het Is Maar 1 April
Het Doet Wat Het Wil
de winter verdween,
It's 1 April
It does what it will
The winter disappeared,
Hi, Sister Emily April,
The day is warm beneath the sky;
The sun above is beautiful,
As the birds are wheeling on high.
Happy birthday, Sister April,
Simple hello causes much mirth;
Sweet smile brings a thousand thrill,
Giving gladness to life on earth.
To: The Heavens Above
The Kingdom of God
{Angel Division}
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