An Attempt To Reach The Stars Poem by Bassam Hussain

An Attempt To Reach The Stars

You Shining Star I want in reach
As the one warming up the beach
You're so high and far away
By their method, you'll never light my day
Hear my words and heed
Your attention is what I need
By Pity, Love, and Pride
To you I'll shorten the ride

I'm imprisoned in a crowded cell
Since birth I'm in this hell
Tormented by its wide window
Looking upon unreachable meadow

Still high and far away
I cannot spot your ray

I ignored the beauty of this land
Yours must hide a one so Grand
Your Love is an ever-fixed mark
As the one compared to your spark

Still high and far away
I cannot see your ray

twinkle twinkle little dot
Your weight seems a mere jot
No more traveller in the dark
Has need for your tiny little spark

Still high and far away!
Not even a glimpse of your ray!

My neck is starting to crack
Fixed Up at infinite black
My eyesight declined
I'm starting to get blind
If this way is lame and poor
How can I attempt than this more?
If I consider what they say
Then my knife is the only way
For it can make me massless
And help me escape this carcass
But in Heaven to have a room
I must withstand your doom
And live in eternal gloom

Forever high and far away
I'll never gaze upon your ray

Monday, April 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,prison,stars
Bassam Hussain

Bassam Hussain

Arar, Saudi Arabia
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