An Ode To A Postman Poem by H Seeking

An Ode To A Postman

Oh Postman If ever thou passeth that way
Please do handover my letter to him
He lives yonder hill
Many a mile away still

He is a dear friend
In my heart
A place forever I lend
But he is now away far apart

O'er hills and valleys
Do thou without fail trod
Tis for my friend
You will be richly shod

I shall sing you a lullaby
I shall make sure you never cry
Just do thou my bidding
And carry a letter for two

I have sealed a space in my heart
And placed a mark too
Stamped a seal for forever
It's him now or never

The brightest of stamps have I found
A pound, a penny and a shilling round
They are for Christmas, Easter and the kind
But for this letter there is a round postmark perfect in my mind

Can thou O postman
Deliver this for me
Send it with haste
Whenever thou art free

Twud bring me to him
In words from within
I would kiss the envelope
Seal it and no more mope

If thou wouldst only deliver thy post
I shall ever live on the hope
A wish I would like
To be filled the most

Pack it up carefully
Keep it safe from the wind silly
Do not let it out of sight
For you cannot guess my sorry plight

If he were not to receive my missive
I forever choose to be submissive
To life's cares and woes
Twas only him that opened my doors

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: letters
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