An Orcadian Odyssey. Poem by PAUL COLVIN

An Orcadian Odyssey.

Bending boughs bow down before, autumn’s rippling breeze
As whispering winds pass slowly through, the red and ochre leaves
Long green grasses swing and sway, to show alternate hues
Dark then light green, hillsides move, and paint us stunning views.

The ever changing autumn sun, casts many different shades
Idyllic landscapes burst with life, until it gradually fades
Pastures with their rolling hills, now look so mysterious
As looming mountains, take their place, looking grim and dangerous.

As darkness falls, they disappear and blend into the night
But the artistry of this rugged land, paints another wondrous sight
For in the sky, a million stars are twinkling as they dance,
Eating up the blackest night, the Heavens they enhance.

On a clear day, climb the mountain top and afford yourself a view
Unlike any seen before, it’s waiting there for you
Blue waters cut through Highland hills, red braes and purple heather
Blue skies with the sun on rise, commanding Scottish weather.

The deepest blue, white crested waves, roll in on whitest sand
Driftwood floats from far off shores, caressing unspoilt land,
The enigma that is Orkney, pure mystique within a shroud
Where Norse and Scots, stand side by side and rightly, fiercely proud.

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