An Unspoken Love Poem by Stell Ryser

An Unspoken Love

he thought he was a mystery, a closed book with a sticker that read "damaged."
she saw him as more, more than a broken man and more than a disorder.
she saw the heart that was his, torn and ripped at every edge by greedy hands and cursed lips.
he spoke with words that built up a wall.
but, she knew the wall was to keep him inside not
invaders out.
with soft eyes she took the wall apart allowing him to see a safe way out.
no thanks were needed because her wall came down too. he suddenly saw that her story was written on her skin while his
were only formed within.
she softly saw he was holding hurt in.
with gentle hands she touched his head that was worn and his heart that was torn and cried softly from
her eyes "never again will you know such pain."
his hands fell to her waist slowly showing her she only deserved pure grace.
with their pain filled lives they built a tie to fight together side by side.
she now knew love, he now felt trust and together they fought their demons into dust.
leaving them with the idea that together both hearts felt truly loved.

Monday, February 25, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: hurt,love,heartbreak
Me Poet Yeps Poet 27 February 2019

sublime poetry gaining confidence of each other mainly

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Practicing Poetess 26 February 2019

What a profound poem to be written by one so young. A poem reflecting the wisdom and insight gained from life experiences. A great read; enjoyed!

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Chinedu Dike 26 February 2019

Well articulated and nicely penned with clarity of thought and mind. Lovely and very passionate. Thanks for sharing Stell.

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