Anemone Poem by Rod M.Peters


A Leviathan of an anemone
Shot its tentacle and down did look
From the high celestial dome.
But I wield the sword and the crook
And never will conform.

The feeler stuck onto my skull
Hoping to subdue my unwary mind
But my blade is never dull
And assuredly my herd and my kind
Will be rid of his black gall.

The humble shepherd cried:
‘Though abysmal and insatiable his hunger
We shall outlive the wile of the warmonger'.

Echoed the old warrior's pride:
‘Not one inch shall fall of this honored lair
Even though our courage hangs threadbare! '

Saturday, March 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: bravery,epical,fighting
Bri Edwards 14 July 2018

(cont.) .. ** Google time: Definition of anemone 1: any of a large genus (Anemone) of perennial herbs of the buttercup family having lobed or divided leaves and showy flowers without petals but with conspicuous sepals — called also windflower 2: sea anemone [this HAS tentacles] bri :)

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Bri Edwards 14 July 2018

i'm baffled, JUST like i am at home! because i can make neither head nor tail NOR tentacle out of this use of anemone **, i'm taking the wildest of guesses: could you have misspelled (an) enemy as anemone? ? ? ? (cont.)

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Rod Mendieta 16 July 2018

Baffled, yes, and well you should be, mate, if you don't have recurring thoughts of a pernicious presence overshadowing whole worlds and shooting down a miriad invisible tentacles that fix on top of the skulls of unsuspecting denizens below to befoul their thinking! And yes, I know you'll think I need my head fixed.

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Rod M.Peters

Rod M.Peters

San José, Costa Rica
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