Anger is a result of fear
A result of heartache and tears
Anger causes pain
Which in the end will remain
Hidden in the past
It all came out last
For waiting to long
Would cause the suffering to go on
And in the end
Hopefully all the anger will be gone
And forgiving would be granted
To the pain, suffering, tears and fear that they started
Forgetting won't be easy
But in the end you will sleep peacefully
With the comfort of knowing
It is better talking about the problems than any showing
And later on, All will be said and done
The anger and everything else will be over
I'll be by my maker, who will offer me a shoulder
To cry, to scream all the hurt within
Won't solve anything
And in the end to rise, towards the skies
To see the gates
where my Lord Jesus awaits.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem