Music is a gift of life
To listen to music and feel the tough
For some it is inspirational and others to much
Music can move an individual in a certain way
Especially if a close friend or artist as passed away
It can make you happy when you feel down or mad
We all have our idols
Young and old
There music is inspiring and the word stands out bold
We all love different flavours of music
Whether it is Classical, Rock, R&B or Hip-Hop
I Believe that the music carries a message
And we as people derive a small part of a particular song and carry that piece into our hearts
Music I believe will never die
And it will always live on and form a small part of our lives.
A nice piece of poetry, depicting the essence of music in our lives. A lovely poem indeed. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON. ➕9
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
The sentiments expressed here are right on, Lee John, but this poem would be so much better if you cleaned up a couple of grammar mistakes. Line three: TOO MUCH instead of TO MUCH. Line five: HAS PASSED AWAY instead of AS PASSED AWAY. Line nine: THEIR MUSIC instead of THERE MUSIC. Also, I didn't understand what you meant on line two with FEEL THE TOUGH. What is the TOUGH? Anyway, I enjoyed the poem, and congratulations on having it chosen as Poem of the Day!