Annemarie Poem by Edward Kofi Louis


Yahweh came down upon Mount Sinai and,
The ten Commandments were given to us;
But, how many of us are with the Book of the Covenant?

Of a Black Family in the White House,
Of a White Family in the Black House,
Of the longsuffering and abounding in righteousness and truth;
But be very careful not to throw a bomb into the market place,
Because it may also kill your friends and your relatives.

May your house be like the house of Perez and,
May Yahweh be celebrated in Israyl! !
For your bombs have killed many without a clue.

Annemarie, do learn from the secret codes of this world;
And do grow in love always than hate.
Also, tell your friend Yahash about the truth and shed no blood!
But try to repay evil with mercy and hatred with love.

Blessed be your wise counsel to others and,
Live a humble life to enhance the beauty of this earth;
And go to the wilderness of Paran for your teachings.

Of Eth-baal, Eth-el and Beth-el;
Learn the purpose of life to learn better than others,
For the meaning of life is always around you with peace.

Annemarie, there are various forms of philosophies to decieve many;
But look deeper into life itself to gain the wisdom needed,
For many are callled but few are chosen.

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