Another Day At School Poem by charlie sims

Another Day At School

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School is fun but a deppresing place
as no one wants to be there
you can tell by there frowning face
that no one seems to care

you wander through each full corridor
and smile as you pass
as you watch every kid shut the door
when you walk into your class

your teacher complains your late
and detention is on its way
as you sit with your friends and quickly start to debate
you cant wait for the end of the day

you rush to lunch, and eat food
and scuuf down your flavoured drink
as people walk pass and say your rude
but you tend not to think

you hear the bell go, ready for registration
as you sprint not to be late twice
as you reach there, your full of penetration
and shout oh God! , oh Christ!

you realise you have heart burn
from that run like Linford Christie
in which your stomach starts to turn
as that fart you done was risky

you walk to your next lesson
as people start to talk
about that fart your guessing
so you quickly start to walk

you watch the clock tick
when siiting in your lesson
as soon as it hits half three
you leave with out no question

you finally reach your home
in which you can find some rest
but then your mum starts to moan
that your not trying your best

the school has rung again
telling her how you have not tried
so you quickly try to explain
and are clever to denie

you go up to you room
and slouch on your bed
and curl like a cocoon
in which you rest you head

as you know the next morning
your in for another day
its just going to be as boring
but at least tommorow's friday.

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