Appetite Poem by Rachel Butler


Rating: 5.0

(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)

My breath,
hot as a raging fire even when it is it’s coldest.
Vehement are my sighs,
compelling is my emotion for him.

Aspiration’s are not high,
though I yearn.
Even the mighty,
lose all sense of appropriateness in the throws of desire.


Monday, October 24, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: desire,heartbroken,passion,sexuality,unrequited love
Elvashira Silvertongue 19 July 2015

Fierce, inspirational, short, sweet and right down to the point. Wonderful.

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Rachel Butler 19 July 2015

Dear Elvashira, I hope this taste will encourage you to read more of this Saga. All the poems posted are one tale.

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Sara Fielder 29 January 2012

Passion and restraint mixed together make this poem very tantalizing. I like it very much.

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Rachel Butler 19 July 2015

Dear Sara, thank you for your support of this Saga, it love I want it to tantalise, feel passion in the write. I hope you continue to enjoy the tale of the Unknown gardener and discover more in other poems what was and is happening here

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Charles Darkly 25 January 2012

Every line is great, but the last two are what will now be burned into my brain. :)

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Rachel Butler 19 July 2015

Is it not true we loss a control over ourselves and appropriate is out the window. You are beginning to feel this Gardener takes between the poems and lines.

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Kee Thampi 29 November 2011

Soft but sorrow to sing Aspiration’s are not high, though I yearn. Even the mighty,

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Rachel Butler 19 July 2015

Thank you Kee for reading this love Saga. I feel in your chosen words you have knowledge of this Unknown Gardener

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