The conclusion nethermost.
brought ethicality descending,
(Dedicated to the known
John Carnegie Vavasseur Fisher
Born December 2nd 1979-Died August 2nd 2015)
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
We know what had been said between us
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
I Begged the sage knowledge from Love, Truth, Principle, Mind and Soul.
(Dedicated to the known Atlas Basil Cudahy born 04/07/2015)
A tale fantasies are stationed from.
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
Furtherance, that your thighs amid mine,
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
One hand on my heart and the other raised to bid farewell.
Let this sight of him not be the last and this parting brief.
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
My breath,
hot as a raging fire even when it is it’s coldest.
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
With aplomb you are victorious afore embarking on life’s winding road.
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
Rarefied the paradigm of his face, behold cupped in my hands, velleity inclination to hear those dulcet tones?
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
I should be courted, I am made to be courted,
Bastille candidness, from my dovelike companion.
(Dedicated to the unknown gardener)
He plays his instrument finely tuned,
RachelAnnButler My twitter address. Book of poems. Title: 'DEDICATED TO THE UNKNOWN GARDENER' My influences are from my heart, reading poetry. I believe each word of love and philosophy has been said many times in many ways. The love story between an Unknown gardner and Sparrow. Regards and thank you for reading my work. Best Rachel Ann Butler)
17th In Michaelmas 2011
(Dedicated to the Unknown Gardener)
These things that never happen in one life time;
See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.
Pardon given, granted, mercy.
Adultery is thought, word or deed?
When another's hand, hand in hand
bounder's tale, his heart is true.
Lakes coalesced, mirroring merging anima,
companionship, felicitious times.
The lack of him devilish.
Hair never to enchant, cheek less glow,
eyes sparkle at the horizon,
I love this poem. How did you write such a good poem? Were you inspired or you just thought of it?
.. I have just read your compendium of 10 thus far to your Gardener Unknown… May his dibble and toils continue to arouse your tool of choice, your pen.dulum that swings… wherest we all benefit from the grounds upon their seeds now lay.. be they marked by scientific or by common name… growth doth sprout here…
my goodness what did this unknown gardener do to inspire all these poems? whatever it was we enjoy the results.beautiful
The twentifirst century is short, the twentieth century is long. Everybody has a special legacy of the previous century and, in the case of Rachel Ann Butler, this is the Symbolism. The occasions, the signs of life filtered out. Pay attention to the great Irish novelists, Joyce above all, have to do with it.
wow, my favorite UNKNOWN GARDENER is back! Thank you so much RAB...
you write awakesome..... once again i got somthing new for reading... i would like to take tips from you....... thanks......
I am your avid reader...a follower of your UNKNOWN GARDENER.. I admire your strong and delicate thoughts in every piece of yours...and your thoughts and style, the depth...I love your works...touching and inspiring...a picture of a strong person yet delicate in heart.... I'm really happy and honored to know you and read your poems...