Arrow Through The Heart Poem by Anhelica Velasqsuez

Arrow Through The Heart

Cant you heal this broken heart,
maybe not completely
I understand if that just cant be
just perhaps stop the pain?
Hold it off till im eightteen

I now understand
the arrow through the heart
it sounds verry mercifull right now,
and well... its a start,
you cant even imagine how
i wish i had a bow right now

i havn't cryed since last night
so i have no more liquid pain
but i still cant say his name
it donsn't feel like my heart is broken
it feels like i dont have one,
it feels like a hole in my chest,
somthing missing...

So I guess the arrow worked,
I dont feel anything anymore
I guess nothing is better than pain,
pain is not better than nothing

i now understand...
the arrow through the broken heart


Sadness all over, disapointment fills the land..Love is pleasant no more...alas the right has found the wrong love... good poem. Thumb up.

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Crimson Love 23 September 2011

beautiful poem, so insightful......through the eyes of pain and hurting, Pain will always be there, we just hope, it fades in time and gets a little less painful....Excellent write :)

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