As A Woman. Poem by Roy Storey

As A Woman.

I born at the top of the hill am king of all.
I born in a hut by the river have notting,

I hunt in the forest with my servants and friends.
I fetch and carry, scrub and clean and am forgotten.

As a man i will rule the world.
As a woman i will be a slave.

I will die the death of a hero.
I will see your memory fade
and still be queen.


This is very clever and effective poetry. I had to read it several times as the dual message sunk in. I confess, I am not a quick study and I was a bit confused at first, but I persisted and it really paid off. Great job, L&T

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Daphne Grant 29 May 2007

This reminds me that women were Air raid wardens here in UK, it was only discloes the other day. they were not worth a mention even though they may have had to fight german troops. I like the two teir level of the poem which is new to me, so very innovative. Lying paralell as they do, the man hopes to go down into posterity and the woman be forgotten. Great understanding well expressed here. D Grant

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Ronald Stroman 13 January 2007

a woman is strong, if a man bled for seven days... mostly he's dead or about to die.

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Roy Storey

Roy Storey

10 september 1939
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