As The World Looks In Poem by Randy McClave

As The World Looks In

While the world still looks in and upon us
Now with both terror and disgrace,
With all the hatred of the many and the fuss
Revolution we seem now to embrace.
While some here might still sit and laugh
When they see people being kicked out of our land,
I will say this proudly and on my own behalf
Do you think that our founding fathers would understand.
Now the suffering is placed directly upon you
So, is their hardship and their fright,
Their deaths is placed on your soul too
As you had helped caused them all to take flight.
You laughed and you cheered when they got arrested
Then you celebrated when you turned them in,
You said that they were all hated and detested
So, tell me please, who committed that sin.
Look, we are encircled by a filthy window
Countries clean it just to have a better look inside,
And what is seen is a greedy, evil shadow
Where liberties and justice have been tossed to the side.
You proved that we are not living in a Christian country
The world now looks down shamefully upon all of us,
I laughed when you said that this is the country of the free
You caused Lady Liberty to turn her back, and cuss.

Randy L. McClave

Saturday, February 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: bigotry,hatred
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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