Baby Rescuer Poem by Robert Edgar Burns

Baby Rescuer

Alone in bed for 90 days,
In a hospital room so cold.
A pain so unimaginable,
My life was then on hold.

Slipping in and out of consciousness,
From a gangrene body of infection.
My life hung in the balance,
To end it would have been my election.

A massive amount of my groin removed,
The hole would take years to heal.
Nurses and doctors would squeal and cry
When they first saw the hole with no seal.

Fournier’s Gangrene, a horrendous infection.
And many with it do not survive.
I had my heart stop a number of times,
And today I’m lucky to be alive.

But at that time it wasn’t so,
I prayed earnestly to be taken home.
Being strapped to the bed so I couldn’t move,
Was the only way I was left alone.

A little boy named Lucas
Came to visit me one day.
A six month old with a smily face
Seemed to take my blues away.

A motorcycle passing by the window,
With engine roaring by at noon,
Sent a smile upon my grandson’s face,
Looking at me he said 'Vroom Vroom!

It was at that very moment,
I decided I should live.
The pain would someday go away,
My lifesaver was a kid!

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