Badi Ul Jamal Poem by Matloob Bokhari

Badi Ul Jamal

In the peace of a luminous summer night,
I was sitting on a small silent rock all alone,
Watching the sky, radiated with glowing moon
Trailing behind the small fleecy clouds.
The stars were shining like lovely gems.
Overwhelmed by the serenity of night,
The vessel of my imagination began to sail
On the green sea under the ethereal sky.
I felt transported into a valley of flowers
Where mountains rose majestic in their might,
Where sun kissed hills, aglow with mellow light,
Where rippling streams went purling through the glen,
Where the scent of flowers had filled the breeze.
In the midst of singing birds and fragrant shrubs.
There was a silver lake, glistening in the vale.
Saiful Malook on Malka Parbat was playing flute.
Badi ul Jamal - a gentle and beauteous maid
Was caged by a demon in the middle of lake
Ah! the married demon and unmarried Badi ul Jamal
Ah! without love, wed is sunless sky, a garden of faded roses
In utter depression, prayed to lord
With sighing trees for freedom to fly.
Saiful Malook who was in love with Badi ul Jamal
Prayed, longed and yearned to set her free.
For years, he wandered lonely as a fleecy cloud
Praying with the countless stars from dusk to morn.
One day, he spotted yonder a White Milk Light
Who offered Saiful Malook the water of faith
Which made him walk on quiet mass of lake.
Then sprinkled his blood on the door of the cage.
The bars of golden cage were broken; she soared cloud-high
Floating in the air; soaring over the mountain top
In rejoice, she and Saiful Maluk sang a song of love
'Happy union is full of joy; forced bed is moving on fire
'Together, we shall burn the light of love in the dark alleys
Together, we shall sing the glory of love in the broken hearts.
Eternal joy is the beauty ofBadi ul Jamal
Eternal joy is the love of Saiful Maaluk
Truth isBadi ul Jamal; All faith Saiful Maaluk.'

Deepak Choudhary: An amazing poetic odyssey which records the poet's tireless quest for the invincible and everlasting spirit of freedom. What is truly remarkable about this poem is the fact that despite its profound mystical hue, it has a chiselled earthy diction, palpable symbolic underpinnings, imaginative excellence adapted so closely to our empathetic understanding of it(contrary to the eerie flights of fancy without even nuanced subtleties in an intelligible quantum) , neat execution and balanced rather than unbridled or impetuous overflow of thoughts which a great many masters of narrative and mystical poetry (I have read) are tempted to ride on at times. In all, the poem matches some of the best pieces written by the Early Romantics, G M Hopkins, and probably Dylan Thomas. I'm truly fascinated by this grand, sublime, and ecstatic celebration of freedom…. Thank you so much for sharing this poem, dear siJUnitedPoetsAndArtists; Love those last 5 lines. What a tale this is! You are absolutely brilliant at writing like this. Really lured me into the read, and didn't let go until it was over. Nicely done.
Jann Gail Jones: That pretty well sums up the history of the world! Let's return to the temple of truth.. Our hearts full of love. Excellent as usual!
FazeelaMollick: After I read Matloob's words my heart began to pound. I felt every word to the core.
Sylvia Frances Chan: xA most beautiful about love so honest and true9n all its finess.Thank you for sharing these most beautiful love poem.
Maria Sheikh: MashaAllahZabardast
Loi Monroe: Excellent
Alby Raymond Parackal: Blissful write
Okloho Solomon: Beautiful
Mica Jones: Wery nice write
Sania Zakir: Extraordinarily beautiful!

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