Balls From Zhirinovsky Poem by Liza Sud

Balls From Zhirinovsky

I do not like a well-yard:
it is old and shabby.
seems that there - death and blood,
Scary to go out.

But today I saw one yard
with very young children,
Zhirinovsky handed out
balls to them this evening.

balls blue-colored, like the sky,
LDPR inscription.
children play with grown-ups
as we do while dreaming.

I started to love this yard -
the mainstay of my dreams.
As if heaven - of these flaps
said that I was happy.

There's new life - beyond the arch,
Children - genius, clever.
the same court, the same dirt out -
how the balls have changed all!

Мячи от Жириновского

Не люблю колодец-двор:
старый и обшарпанный.
в нем как будто - смерть и кровь,
находиться страшно в нем.

Но увидела я дворик
с очень юными детьми,
и дарил в нем им шары
В.В. Жириновский.

Голубы мячи, как небо,
с надписью - ЛДПР.
с взрослыми играют дети,
как и мы в мечтах людей.

И понравился мне дворик -
как оплот моей мечты.
Будто рай - из этих створок
мне про счастье говорил.

Там жизнь новая - за аркой,
Дети - гении, умны.
тот же двор и та же грязь там -
изменили все ШАРЫ!

Balls From Zhirinovsky
Friday, June 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: present
Daniel Brick 04 June 2016

You found a nice photograph for your poem, or rather did you write the poem to match the photo? In any case, the poem goes far beyond the photo in symbolic meaning. But it starts with that scene of children just beginning to play together. I can almost hear the shouts and screams that will fill the air as they tumble after the ball! I like the lines CHILDREN PLAY WITH ADULTS AS WE DO WHEN DREAMING. It shows how children love when adults come into their world of games and just play. But I think this poem may have a political message that is not clear to me.

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