Barking Before Dawn Poem by Theresa Ann Moore

Barking Before Dawn

Rating: 5.0

A neighborhood dog is barking before dawn.
The dew is adhering quietly to blades of lawn.
It’s barely light, the day is yet to commence.
Isolated yapping continues to create suspense.

As a protector, something has set off an alarm.
The dog is giving notification of impending harm.
Is there a thief waiting in the shrubs ready to take?
He probably made tracks because everyone’s awake.

Could the stimuli be a pesky wild animal or beast?
Now there is silence, could the barker be deceased?
Not a chance, the wolfing has picked up its cadence.
Spawning thoughts of attack and protective defense.

Now there is an additional sound of metal smashing.
It sounds like a huge demolition of property trashing.
Olfactory recognition senses an identity of the offender.
It’s the garbage man struggling with a rubbish contender.

Melvina Germain 14 July 2007

That's what dogs are for, to let us know when an intruder is in the area. Too bad they just didn't recognize certain individuals and know just when to bark. Ahh that would be too much to ask from our little friends. Lovely poem Theresa, I like it very much.--Melvina--

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Theresa Ann Moore

Theresa Ann Moore

Michigan, U.S.A.
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